Date: 07/04/2021
Launching "Develop your Game from your Home” Course under the theme of “Milestones in Jordanian State Lifespan "

The App Challenge Competition, one of King Abdullah II Fund for Development’s projects launched “Develop your game from your home” course, coinciding with the celebration of the centennial of the kingdom’s foundation under the theme “Milestones in Jordanian State Lifespan "
The course targets young people aged 14 to 16 years in all governorates of the Kingdom, aims to improve and build capabilities in the field of App design and games, as well as introducing participants to electronic games industry.
In response to the health recommendations resulting from the pandemic and to ensure the continuity of services flow, digital tools will be used in the implementation stages of this exceptional course.
Eligible candidates who have the passion for games & Apps will be able to register for this course on the following website from April 5 till May 15.
It is noteworthy that the App Challenge Competition, launched in 2011 in cooperation with the technical partner (Mays Al-Ward), implemented 11 courses and two exceptional courses, providing 4,835 direct and indirect opportunities.